Changing the Landscape
SINCE 1979

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

ANSWER: We are conveniently located a quarter of a mile north of Interstate 255 at exit 13. To view us on a map, click here.

What are your hours of operation?

ANSWER: You can reach us any time at (618) 259-2485. Feel free to send us a message, click here.

Will you take a look at my project and give me an estimate?

ANSWER: Yes. We will be happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss the project and give you a free estimate.

How much rock or dirt (quantity) can you haul in your dump trucks?

ANSWER: Our tandem dump trucks can haul around 15 ton per load.

What is the difference between topsoil and fill dirt?

ANSWER: Topsoil is used to grow vegetation such as grass, plants, shrubs, etc. Fill dirt is usually a clay type of soil used for filling in low spots or areas.

Do you have topsoil and fill dirt readily available?

ANSWER: Yes. We have both types stockpiled. Pricing depends on the type of soil requested (fill or top soil) and point of delivery.

What type of rock do you recommend for my new driveway?

ANSWER: We recommend four inches of 2” rock on the base, followed by a 2” layer of CA-06 or Grade 8 rock.

What type of rock do you recommend for an existing driveway?

ANSWER: Generally speaking, CA-06 or Grade 8 which consists of ¾” rock down to the fines (lime).

Can you spread the rock on my driveway?

ANSWER: Yes, we will be happy to “tailgate” or spread the rock at no extra charge as long as we have enough overhead clearance to do so effectively.

How much do you charge for hauling rock?

ANSWER: Please call us for pricing. It varies according to type of rock, quantity needed, and point of delivery.

Do you haul rip rap?

ANSWER: Yes. We have “tub” type dump beds installed on some of our trucks enabling us to haul the large types of rip rap and broken concrete.

Do you perform snow removal and sodium chloride application?

ANSWER: Yes. We will be happy to quote your driveway, commercial lot, or church parking lot.

If I want to put in a new asphalt driveway what would you recommend?

ANSWER: First, an established base is essential. Then for normal traffic we would recommend a 1 and ½” bituminous binder course compacted, followed by a 1 & ½” bituminous surface course. If you have heavy truck traffic, then we suggest a 2” binder course compacted, followed by a 2” surface course, or 3” binder course followed by a 3” surface course.

How often do I need to seal my driveway?

ANSWER: We recommend sealing existing asphalt annually to maintain its durability.